Notes from November 20, 2019 Meeting

Dear Everybody,

We had great gathering of women before this week’s gathering of friends and relatives on Thanksgiving.

We were happy to have Cheri Smith of Cruise Planners visit again, and to learn that she is planning to become a regular. Welcome aboard, Cheri. (That seems like an appropriate greeting for a cruise planner, doesn’t it?)

We were also delighted to see Michelle Torres, who visited today during one of her rare schedule breathers. It is always so good to see you, Michelle.

Just a reminder, too, that at our next meeting (December 4) we will have the annual election of officers, this time for 2020. If you are interested in holding one of the esteemed positions, just say so and I will put you on the ballot. The current slate is Natalie Stahl, Facilitator; Cathy Smith, Co-facilitator; Melinda McCorkle, Treasurer; and Jody Serey, Secretary.

We also do not have as sponsor for the monthly raffle, so as it stands it will be a 50/50 for whatever charity or good cause we wish to support.

We spent some time telling what we are thankful for this year. Two members, Cathy Smitch and Audrey Hickman, summed it all up very succinctly.  Audrey said she is thankful for Wednesday mornings with her tribe, after more than 28 years of  Wednesday mornings. And Cathy said that she is grateful that our meeting is a safe place to come to.

Amen, and happy Thanksgiving everybody. Whatever you else you, be kind to each other. Life is too short to ruin a nice day or scrape gravy off the ceiling.

All the best,

Jody Serey
SereyJones Publishers, Inc.
623-451-0834 (cell)